Sunday, October 31, 2010

Oct 31, 2010

This last month we had 6 people set for baptism at one time but they all fell through except for Eddie so we only had the one soul saved.  We've been repenting for our lack of qualifying for these successes and these souls lost.  It's really amazing how you come to love the people here.  Last night Eddie had a horrible relapse. It was so hard to see.  The Lord and his timing though is always perfect and we were there to help him.  But we had a lot of stuff planned this weekend with him and his brother Pa and the kids.  They were gone all weekend, Pa and them were at a Maori cultural weekend thing.  But Eddie totally fell off the boat and was gone all weekend living the life he used to live.  It was so hard to see, but we're going to try our best to continue to show our love for him and help him to come back.  We know how great of a guy he is and the potential he has.  We've seen him grow so much so it was very difficult to see, but we know he'll realize how what he was doing didn't bring him happiness like what he's been receiving. 
But besides that one event everything else went really good this week.  We were very blessed.  We've been sacrificing more and more and are starting to see the blessings as we fight to help others.  We set more people for baptism!  We have 4 set for this upcoming month and they all look very promising.  Some of these sets are people we found this last week and already set for baptism.  One lady, her name is Ardel, said that her life was just horribly going downhill and she was feeling disgusting about her life.  And she said all day she was hoping for a miracle and was praying to have someone come and help save her life.  After her prayer we showed up! All thanks to our mate bro Watene.  He's our old ward mission leader and he's the man! But anyways and so she knew we were the answer to her prayer.  We had a long discussion with her and helped best we can and taught her.  She than asked me to give her a blessing to help overcome all these trials, after the blessing we set her for baptism.  Just like that in the first meeting with her.  We were definitely blessed.  That was the beginning of the week and she just has been progressing like nothing I've ever seen.  She's started the book of Mormon and is already past Nephi I think, and is just eating everything up.  She's completely turned cold turkey on everything and has the strongest desires to change her life and keep progressing.  It's amazing, and she tells us to come and give her day to day contact! Amazing huh?! The lord truly does lead us to his elect. 
Yesterday we taught her and had a great conversation and we moved her and her daughter's baptism to this upcoming Saturday!  So we found her this last week and she wants to be baptized this Saturday!  Incredible!  Every time we’re over there she's so emotional too.  She needs this and she knows it.  So that was one of the amazing miracles this week.  We had heaps of lessons this week.  We have found heaps of new investigators too. The trials we went through the last few weeks feel like we received the blessings this week.  We had a lot of success.  It was a great week except for at the end with Eddie.  We even had investigators come to church! That's been our problem lately and finally we saw some success there! Things are looking very promising this next month but we got to work so much harder to make sure these blessings don't fall through on us.  This Thursday is transfers.  Elder Atkin has been here in this area for 7 months now.  So he's defiantly most likely out of here, so I'll have to keep the wheels moving and get a new companion.  I'm excited but a little nervous to though.  But when we struggle we grow!  So I'm excited for this opportunity to continue to grow as a missionary.  So it'll all be good!  I love the opportunity to be here in such a blessed land serving the Lord.  It's incredible seeing what this gospel really can do!  I love it here! But of course I miss you all very much!!  And sorry about that pic with the kids! I didn't notice that little girl in the back was doing that! My mistake! Haha the kids have a pretty rough world to grow up in here, so a lot of them are pretty much like that! Haha sorry!  But things have been going good here! 
 I miss you all very much and love hearing from ya!  God be with you all! I love you all very much!!  Have a wonderful week!! Ofa Atu!! :)

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