Sunday, October 10, 2010

Oct 10, 2010

Aloha family!! :) I miss you all very much! Hope this week goes great for everyone! Good luck especially to Pey Pey! Be strong Brooke and Steve everything will be okay! I love hearing from you all! I hope everything is going great with everybody! I love and miss you all very much!! This last week was a really good one! The weeks are starting to fly by now, I can't beleive that it has already been a week! It's almost going to fast than I'd like! I already had a couple of opportunities this week to feel what leadership feels like. 2 of the days we did trade offs and I stayed in my area so I had to be senior companion and plan everything out with guys who have been here for awhile.  But it went surprisingly good! I love bein in the driver seat of the work.  I honestly don't like being junior companion that much, I feel like he just assumes cause i'm a greenie that he needs to do most of the work.  So I have to shove myself in there and take over, cause i love teaching! I can just go on forever im surprised on how comfortable I am with it.  But I've been doing great! It's been a lot of fun! Don't get me wrong we teach great together I just wish I'd have more opportunities to start showing more of my potential!  This Saturday we have my first baptism! Eddie! He's such an awesome guy! I've been there since we've began teaching him and I think I'm doing the baptism.  We went to confference with him this last weekend and he comes plays rugby with us every monday.  He's so keen and he's one of those guys that just make it all worth it.  He gave me a suit jacket last time we were over.  Last time we taught him i was on a trade off with a kid that flew in with me elder Rehak so we're both newbies and it was an intense lesson!! He had all these questions and doubts about things and he told us if we couldn't answer them all and help him to see the truth his doubts would grow.  I've never bore testimony like that before.  It was such an incredible experience and at the end he told us "no doubts, i know it's true" it was awesome!! He's for sure this saturday.  A lot of other stuff has been falling through, but we have heaps of potentials and people who want to hear more.  It's awesome because people are so loving here, even if they're not too interested when you talk to them on the streets they'll still let ya come in their home and that's all you need, than that's where the spirit does his part as we testify!  This mission is very successful! Our zone has a goal of 50 baptisms this coming month.  Everyone is baptizing multiple monthly which is the standard of excellence.  I'm so lucky to be in such a successful area.  Though I don't get to really see the beauty of New Zealand here in South Auckland, the beauty lies within the people.  And if you go by that fact, this is the most beautiful place in New Zealand!!  I'm excited to continue to serve the lord and thrust in my sickle with all my might.  I've been growing and progressing so much every day.  I'm learning so much it's insane.  I feel like a completely different person already.  The lord's work really changes lives and it's changing mine most of all.  One thing I'm seeing everywhere is how the Lord's hands are in absolutely everything!! He provides ways for us missionaries to do his will and bring people to the truth and light.  It's amazing to be able to be an instrument in the Lord's hands.  I love it more than anything!!  It definantly is a completely different world out here, but i know it's where I'm meant to be.  I'm excited for all that lays ahead of me!  I pray for all of you back at home and wish the best for you all!  Cowboys need to step it up it sounds like! Must be because im not there! That must be weird watching games without the true number one fan actually being there.  Oh well somehow you'll manage! Not gonna lie i missed moms cinnamon rolls on conference morning! Sundays are so stressful on the mission biking to everyone trying to make sure they come.  The mission can be so devastating but it's so rewarding at the same time! A lot of our sets have been falling through and we've been working our buts off to have these people build their faith.  Conference definantly was the most amazing thing! You really take it for granted before the mission!  What a blessing to have the prophet and all these wonderful men of god speak to us and unveil scripture!! It was about the most awesome thing ive ever watched! Definantly missed the wingers race after priesthood! It was weird our priesthood was saturday morning cauz everything was this weekend.  These people in our ward and area are so amazing and loving.  Islanders are truly the elect i swear!! So it's been great, during one of my trade offs I did a preach by the way and the guy wanted to hear more there so we walked and talked and i taught him a lesson there and he ate it up! He said he'd been looking for the truth and he felt like this was it and i gave him a book of mormon and he just loved it! It can easily be like that here, everyone we talk to is so important.  God really is preparing these people and putting them in our path for a reason.  So I gotta do my part and be strictly obedient and faithful and serve with all my heart mind and strength!!
    And ya that is the best way to mail and do all packages and that stuff I'm pretty sure.  I'm worried on how often I can get them though! Because the zone leaders need to get them and they do that only every once in awhile or when we have some big event where we all get together.  So hopefully i can get things quit.  But President Porter and his wife did a specialized training with us not that long ago and i pulled the dad and just participated like crazy and volunteered to do stuff though I was new and he even said in front of everyone "this is a perfect example that being new means nothing, we're all missionaries, and this one is a heck of a missionary."  I wish you guys could meet this man.  He's such an incredible president, He's so loving and kind.  He is so inspired to i swear, he definantly is perfect for this mission.  But ya my trainer's awesome though, we get along great.  So is our district, it's been a lot of fun.  It can be hard but it's all so worth it.  I love hearing from you all and thank you so much for your support.  May god be with you at all times!! I miss you all very much.. I do get home sick at times i can't lie! Especially during conference and when Jeffrey R. Holland spoke of gratitude towards his parents it his me like a ton of bricks.  I take so much for granted what you mom and dad have done for me.. Thank you so much for everything.. But i know this is where I'm meant to be so I'm gonna give it all i got.  I love you so much and just wanted to express my gratitude to you for everything you've done for me.  You guys are truly the best parents this world had to offer and I somehow was lucky enough to be blessed to be your son.. Thank you!! :)  I'm glad the job stuff is going good and everyone else is good.  The lord truly does bless missionaries families!! Have an amazing week and I can't wait to hear from you all again!! I love you so much!!! Ofa Atu!! :)

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