Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May 16th 2011

Hey everybody!!
The day’s just keep flying by it is crazy! It really is insane how fast time goes when you're out on the mission! I hope everyone had an awesome week this last week and that everyone is doing just great! I pray and think of you all often! :) This week was another good one! Nothing really to new or exciting happening! One of the days we went to the sea and walked all around on the reef with some of the Hekau family hunting for Octopus!! So that was really cool!! We caught lots of fish and snails to and ate it all right there as raw as you can get it! I used to hate seafood before as a lot of you know but now I love it!! Everything I've eating here has been really good! And we've eaten some gross things! So that's been a miracle from the Lord! :) 

 It rained a lot this week! We did heaps of service as always!! Work, work, work!! We visited the High Commissioner of the island his name is Mike and he's interested in taking lessons! So hopefully miracles happen there and then we can find more teaching opportunities!  Things have been fun here! Feel like things are picking up but it's still hard being stuck on this little island! haha But it's very, very beautiful here so it's all good! Such wonderful loving people!  We gave some blessings this week; we've given quite a lot here.  The people love the missionaries and if they need anything they let us know!  Gave a blessing to Heileen last night who is in jeopardy of losing her child.. They find out this week and are probably going to New Zealand.  That was a humbling experience as are most of the experiences here in Niue!!  Man I don't know what else to update you guys on! Nothing really crazy or anything this week! Just doing the best we can with what we've got!  It feels like I've been on this island forever!! And it's only been about 3 months!! I got 3 most likely!! Ai a Wei!!!  I'll make the most of my time and continue to strive to be an instrument in the Lord's hands.  I know one day I'll miss this crazy experience very much and that I'll learn many valuable life-long lessons from this journey here on the Savage Island!! So I'm excited!! What else could I be?! I gotta be excited!! :)  I hope you all have a wonderful week!! And again thank you so much for the prayers and the support!! I miss and love you all very, very much!!!!
Love Elder Devey

1 comment:

Heather Thorup said...

It does sound savage lol....Carly and me say that all the time. Octupus yuck!!