Monday, January 30, 2012

January 29, 2012

Hey everybody!!! :) Sorry after so many weeks of thinkin up subjects in the titles I'm running out of ideas! haha How is everybody!!! I hope amazing!!! So sorry about last week with the short email so this one will be a chunker to make up for it.  Especially for Momma! :) Well I hope and pray that all is well in Zion!! Things are going great here! We're hitting a bit of a dry spell as you do sometimes on the mission.. Parts of the work are going fantastic! Other parts not so much but we keep trusting and relying on the Lord knowing that he'll provide! Which he did a few nights ago and I'll share that miracle with you in a bit:) So!! Lets get down to business!
So I'll give a brief recap of the previous week since I didn't write much last week!! Well the beginning of the week we were up north in beautiful Kaikohe and Kaitaia!!! The Kaikohe trade off was a comfort buster that's for sure!! The two elders I was with I've worked with for some time now and they are both struggling with personal matters.  So I wanted to do all I could for these two because they haven't been having too much fun which is crazy!! It's the mission for crying out loud!!! So I really prepared for that one.  Went in there and did all I could for them, hopefully it helped them somewhat.  I came away better from it.  Than the next day we went up to Kaitaia and had trade offs with two of my favorites.  Elders Pohahau and Beckstead!! I went with my good ol MTC comp:) That was a lot of fun!! We got to go see some people in a very nice part of New Zealand called "90 mile beach". It really is about 70 but still!!! Huge!! Just a massive beautiful beach that runs for ages in the Northland!! So nice!! We had to drive on it to get to some contacts and the Corolla(shadowfax) got stuck!! So all these Maori kids came and pushed us out! haha It was a fun trade off though we worked hard, it was good to be with Elder Beckstead.
Came back to our area worked for a bit and than the next day the entire zone traveled down to Auckland to my very first chapel Redoubt Rd!!! :) Where we had the mission wide conference and all those general authorities came.  It was so great!! :) I learned so much it was wonderful!!!!  Than it was saturday and sunday is taken up with church because of both of our wards! So barely got to proselyte in our area so that was weird and frustrating!!! So the days we had we worked very very hard!!
This week was a very good week!!! :) Had some trade offs again that went very well and were fun!!! We've been very busy lately and we've been blessed with a lot of people to teach.  BUT Most of them are stuck in Limbo I swear!!! I don't know if I told you this already but we have 8 or 9 investigators that want to get baptized but their stuck because of the Law of Chastity.  LOC and WOW are HUGE concerns in New Zealand!! I swear I'll be able to be Dr. Phil when I get back! Jokes! So that's been frustrating! But it's all good! We found some very keen, sincere new investigators so we've been happy about that!!! :)
So the miracle that happened this last week was with this wonderful family:)  So we a week ago mowed a less-actives lawn and as we were doing so we noticed the house right behind had long grass so we decided to do that as well.  The owners came home while we were doing it and they were very thankful.  The mom, Fionna is a less-active but the husband and all the boys are non-members.  They invited us back so we did.  We brought  Bro. McQueen (cachow!) with us and had an awesome lesson with the family.  We taught the Restoration.. And these are my favorite times on the mission when we teach the Restoration to Heavenly Father's children  who are prepared.. The spirit was very strong and that was one of my favorite times teaching the first lesson.  At the end we invited all of them to be baptized!! The all accepted for the 25 of February!!!! CHEEHOO!!!! :) God is a God of miracles!!! They're everywhere!! We just need to be willing and obedient.  Have faith and patience as it says in Hebrews  6:12, and than we can inherit his promises.  I've seen it time and time again on my mission!! He always keeps his promises we just need to do our part and have patience that his word will be fulfilled if we are faithful! I know it's true!! :)
So things have been wonderful here as always!!! Never anything to complain about I am on the Lord's errand!! What more could I ask for?!  Well I love you all very very much!!! :) I hope and pray that you all have a wonderful week and may God be with you in all things!!!! :) Arohanui!!! (I love you in Maori):)
Love Elder Devey

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