Sunday, January 1, 2012

January 1, 2012


Happy New year everybody!!!!! :) 2012!!! I can't believe!! My "full year" on the mission just flew by oh my goodness!!!! Oh what a wonderful year this one is going to be!!! I can't wait!!! So much in store for the Lord's great and glorious work!!!! Hope you all had a wonderful new year and that many many blessings are bestowed upon you all this year!!!! :) We started off great! Brownie was baptized!!!! :):):) After a very LONG time of investigating the church he was finally able to make that beautiful step in his life... I'm so proud of him and was so grateful to be a part of that experience.. Nothing like a baptism!!!! 
So we'll start from the beginning of the week.  Well pday was the day, after Christmas, that we sent faithful Elder Spence home.  It was hard to see him off.  We had to drive him all the way down to Auckland and than drive back lol.  That was the first time I've seen that guy tear up, except I think once before.  When we said goodbye!! It was pretty hard!! It was like saying goodbye to a brother!! I loved Elder Spence.  But great thing he just lives there in Utah in Oak City!! So visit him I must!! So that was hard seeing him go! And than I was with Elder Singh for the next couple of days until transfers.  So a bit stressful having to do all the Zone Leader business on my own and also our area AND transfers which is always hectic!!! So a fun few days!!
Than we got the exciting transfer calls!! And it turns out our District Leader here In Whangarei is now my companion!! Elder Tucker!! :) So easy to move him on over!! haha fun to be with someone you already know and can joke around with!! So we're excited for that! But now it means i've got to step up my game.  Now I'm the Senior Zone Leader and training Elder Tucker.  It's pretty funny how they do this whole senior junior business in Zone Leader callings because it doesn't change anything!! So transfers was pretty crazy and of course it poured with rain as it always does on transfers!!! :( So that made it difficult!! haha But once we got back off to work we went!! There was quite a lot of changes in the zone.  And it's weird because now me and Elder Beckstead my MTC comp and E. Sorenson.  Two that were in my MTC intake, we're now the oldest elders in the zone!! I feel old!! Never before have I seen such things!! And I've now been here in the zone the longest going on my 6 month area.  So pretty fun stuff!! Big changes!! But this is when we grow so I'm liking it!!!
Of course right away though it feels like heaps of things just start piling on us!!! All of the suddent bamb heaps of things to do!! We did a zone conference call.  Got interviews tommorrow where we have to do hour and a half trainings.  ZL council after that and there's so many things we're supposed to do for that!! Than a trade off with the Assistants very soon!!!  And than later this month a missionwide conference with Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve and also Elder Tad R. Callister of the Presidency of the Seventy are going to address the mission!!!!! :) AHHHH!!!!!! Absolutely pumped about that!!!!! So busy times right now!!! Busy busy busy!!! But very exciting and we're loving it!!!!! :)
And so ya Brownie was baptized this weekend:) Which seems all wonderful... But.. He wasn't confirmed on Sunday!!!!! :( Can you believe it!!!!??? We talked all about the confirmation at his baptism.  He picked me to do it, told him how he would HAVE to be there.  He was excited all seemed good.  But after the baptism I swear he was kidnapped!!! He just dissappeared!!!! Called him heaps, stopped by heaps, nothing!!! The stuff we left on his porch was still there Sunday morning nothing changed!! He just vanished!!! Still haven't been able to get a hold of him!!  But besides that lack of finishing the ordinance... His baptism was awesome!!!! He wanted just a handful of people there because he felt it was personal.. Right before the baptism he played a rendition of the Lord's prayer within the scriptures in Maori on the guitar and sang.. It was beautiful!!!! He was quite emotional as he did so.. I was blessed to have done the ordinance after that.  And than he bore his testimony after that and it was wonderful!!! He's the man!!! We're just freaking out about him not being confirmed!!! :(
Hardly anyone was at church because of New Years but it was still good!!! Had dinner with Bishop as we do a lot!! He's the man!!! Besides that all is well down here in Aotearoa!!! :) I miss and love you all very very much.... Wish you all the best!!!!!! I love you!!!!!! :)

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