Monday, January 17, 2011

Jan 17, 2011

I can't believe that it's January the 17th already! Feels like I just got my call yesterday! I can't believe how fast time goes here on the mission! It's unreal! Almost scary!! Well hello once again everybody!! :) Hope everyone had a wonderful week!! Mine was pretty good.  There were some big disappointments this week though.. But for the most part it all went great! I'm pretty down about our performance here in January.  We could have done so much better! The months not over yet so of course we're hoping for miracles! But so far projected for this month were not saving a soul. Not how I wanted to start out my one full year on the mission.  So I'm pretty disappointed with myself! A lot of repenting! Haha :) But it's all good! We pick up and keep moving forward! I know that with our faith the Lord will provide a way! But this week still brought forth many wonderful opportunities to serve! I got to be a part of some powerful blessings this week so that was incredible I saw blessings where some of the people truly had nowhere else to turn but to the lord.  So that was all a good experience and it built up my testimony a lot as well :)

We had one pretty funny situation.  So apparently this is one of the roughest parts of New Zealand.  And they have gangs and all that ridiculous stuff here.  Anyways one of our investigators Jamaine had a lot of problems apparently! He's actually set for baptism in February.  Great kid but he had this huge thing with gang violence and his older brother is some wanted criminal and guys came to his house and it's this whole story.  But Jamaine was gonna go to jail this week! Would have been an interesting drop on a set " Oh, he's in jail!" They were thinking like 8 years i guess so it was a pretty big deal what he did! But I guess he got bailed out and we went over there and saw he was still home! His crime they said was self-defense so he's good now.  So we're still teaching him but he's defiantly going to need the atonement in his life now.  So that was a pretty funny story, our set almost went to jail. haha We had some funny lessons this week.
  It was getting late one night and it was absolutely pouring.  So we said a prayer hoping we could get a walk in lesson somewhere.  All of the sudden this guy was yelling at us across the street to come inside.  So of course we did.  We got the answer to our prayer, kind of! They were just two completely drunk guys and we had a lesson with them.  It actually was really sad. Just seeing how some of the people in the world are living. Sharing with them and listening to these guys just made me realize even more how "literally" God wants us to save every SINGLE one of his children. He's not going to be satisfied until all his children return to home. I love this area though! This week made me realize it is a little rougher than I thought it was.  Still nothing to be worried about.  But the people here just need so much help.  So I'm willing to do all i can to keep the Lord's great and glorious work moving forward! It was a harder week than most. But still the most worthwhile thing I can possibly be doing.. I know the Lord needs me here now and I'll give every fiber of my being and every ounce of my heart to him and his children.. That's why I'm here!! I know without a shadow of a doubt that what I'm doing is truly the Lord's work.  This week and month I'm not going to lie had a lot of disappointments.. But all I can do is just become stronger and rise higher.  "You cannot lift another soul until you are standing on higher ground than he is.  You cannot light a fire in another soul unless it is burning in your own soul." So that's what I got to do.  Focus on my own testimony and faith and strive to strengthen it more and more each day.  Then I'll be able to benefit and uplift others.  So we all press on!! Ever Onward!  There wasn't much to report this week! Just here in Aotearoa giving my all to the Lord!  Hope everyone back home is doing well!! I miss and love you sooo much!!! :) Elder Devey

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