Monday, July 2, 2012

July 1. 21012

Hello hello!!!! :) Hi everyone! How is it going?! Sounds wonderful for everyone as always! Which is pleasing unto me! Hope and pray that the Lord continues to bless you all and watch over you in all that you do! Well this week, what can I say?! Another good one!! Experienced heaps of miracles! But what's new?! This is his work right?! So let's get started shall we?! From the top Monday was all goods! Just a usual pday I guess! Went and played sport with all the cocunuts! :) cheehoo!! Played some basketball mostly! So that was fun as always! Tuesday was a lot of fun! We went on trade off as usual! Experienced quite a few miracles though. So my last baptism up in Whangarei with Brownie King his mom died and she lives down here in the zone. So he requested for some elders to come by and to give him a blessing because he was really having a hard time coping with this loss. So we were blessed to go and to assist him in the circumstance. He was shocked to see me and it all went so well! :) It's amazing how the Lord works.. So I was blessed to give him a priesthood blessing and spirits were high when we departed. So we were very grateful for that experience and it was so good to see him again and to help him once again. It's incredible how the Lord calls his servants to particular areas to bless certain individuals. Brownie feels to be one of those. Good man who has been through a whole lot! And of course after we were finished he played us a song just like the old days!! :) So that was one great experience that occured this week! That same day we had another miracle that was on accident! haha So a boy named Tufi we've been trying to baptize for awhile now! haha his family is a bit lessactive and he never got baptized, so we've been working on getting the family back to church and to get this little squirt baptized! So on Tuesday we finally had a lesson with him and a week before we set him to be baptized for july 6. But while we were there for some reason i thought it was this weekend! haha and with the fam I was just like setting up the baptism and stuff and got him all worked out for this weekend just gone and just like that he was baptized and confirmed this weekend! lol :) So started teaching him and within a week he gets baptized just like that!! Miracles!!!! So that was quite the tender mercy given to us by the Lord!! :) The members have been doing awesome lately!! Theyve been doing so much for us! We've been receiving lots of referrals, and really good ones to!! :) I love this ward it has been so much fun serving here! Than on Wednesday after we get back from our tradeoffs we have to head way past North Shore to see a doctor forElder Whipple. So that took a bit of the day runnin that errand. He has some issues with his body ha! Than right when we get back to our area President Lekias calls and just asks what were up to. We're like saving souls duh?! What else?! haha and he's like can I come with?! So President came with us for the day! That was super fun! :) We went and saw our set Sefo, for this coming weekend, and his mom and we had a fun as lesson with them and President! President's incredible! It was way fun having him with us! We overcame quite a few concerns with Sefo and thought he was all ready for this weekend.. Next minute! He takes off again! Runs away for a second time!! Joke aye?! So we'll see what happens there, but the plan was for this coming weekend!! Than on Thursday we did us another trade off!! Just tradeoffs all the time it's wearing me out!!! But I love it at the same time!! Had a fun day there with my Tongan friend! It was a good, solid, productive day! I think I already told ya about our new WardMissionLeader Feleti Fukafuka! He's the man!! He has been working with us heaps! He's really onto it and is so willing to help us out we love him!! So it's been really good having him around to help us out with everything! um...let's see, what else?! On Saturday morning we're all getting things sussed out for Tufi's baptism and than we get a text from the mom saying that it's gonna be cancelled cause of family issues that were happening. So we drive over there have a good talk with her and smash her concerns and by the end she was determined as ever to get our little champ baptized! so the show went on!! :) That evening he was baptized! Love the little guy! :) Than we had a feed with the Stake President and all that good jazz! Tongan so of course he gave us heaps!! On Sunday we did the confirmation for Tufi! and than I was supposed to give a baby blessing for our recent convert Tania's son! But it didn't happen! That woulda been fun though, maybe next week! During the third hour of church we had a combined meeting that is happening all throughout the mission where we gave a training to the entire ward!! There was HEAPs of people there! But it was really fun!! Just drilled em on missionary work and helpin us out!! :) So hopefully we see fruits from that!! So Sunday was really good!! And what made it even better was the last minute "blanket sweep" miracle!! So when I first came into the area I used to teach this Samoan Lady named sister Fosio! But things didn't work out and we let her sit for awhile! Well the Lord has been working at her and softening her heart like none other! And just recently we have felt strongly to go give her a try again! Her husband is the newly called Elders Quorum President. He has tried so hard on his sweet wife it's incredible! So we had a lesson with them last night and she was so ready! And to make it even better it was his birthday!!! :) and we set her for baptism on the 21 of july!! Manna from heaven!!! :) So that just sealed off the week just right!! It was a pretty awesome week and having fun being with Elder Whipple!! :) What more can I ask for?! Things are going great and we just continue onward with putting our shoulder to the wheel!! Well I love you all SOOOO much and hope you have a great week!!! :) Love Elder Devey

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