Monday, May 28, 2012

May 27, 2012

Hello hello!!!! :) How's everyone doing?! I hope everyone is just doing amazing as always! Love to hear from all of you and am so grateful for your support and prayers!! This week was what can I say?.. Another awesome week!!! But more awesomer than most that's for sure!!! :) I'll tell ya why soon!! So we'll start from the top shall we?! So last preperation day was pretty fun! We all went to that lame mountain again but this time we played touch at the bottom of it! It's been awhile since I played touch! It was super fun I love touch so much!! So that was fun kickin it with all the elders! :) Than as always we had an FHE at the Tutai's again with all of our sets! Those are so much fun! We had the game this last week so it was good stuff! :) The next day was also really good. For our DM training we printed off copies of mission calls and reinacted opening up all of our mission calls with the missionaries it was really funny and a lot of fun! Fun little training! After that this whole last week we'd been organizing and getting everything ready for the upcoming weekend baptisms! :) Did all their interviews and each day their lessons take up like the days! haha Just such incredible awesome people that we're teaching it's been so much fun!! this is hands down my favorite area of the mission thus far! I know i say that in all the areas I serve in but seriously! Nothin like Mangere! :) Things were chackaz busy this last week due to all of that! Just workin our tails off as always!! My body is just exhausted!! haha But I'm hangin in there cause I know who is my strength! And he will NEVER fail me!! :) So things got exciting because of the weekend coming up!! There were a lot of baptisms throughout the zone this last Saturday but ooooweee we could not wait for ours! It finally came Saturday night! We had Tania Robert, her two daughters Mata and Rebeccah, also Devantay and Emi Taime!!! :) These 5 beautiful souls are incredible!!! :) Honestly my favorite baptism of the mission thus far as well!! The spirit there was incredible! It's a service that I will never forget! They're all so sincere and devoted... It was so much fun and was very rewarding to be a part of it! And yes Ben I wore the bappy suspenders!!! :) i'll attach all the photos I hope ya'll enjoy!! We combined all the services together and turns out they're all related! But i guess all islanders are in some way!! haha but they're all cook island!! I think I've been blessed to baptize someone from everywhere in the Pacific almost!! haha :) All of them after got up and bore their testimonies which was powerful and special!! They're all such wonderful examples to me and have inspired me to be so much better... Thanks to the Tutai family for doing missionary work! Such an incredible family they've done so much for us! It's been fun working alongside them! The blessings have been many that's for sure!! :) it was a great service, heaps of people there, awesome musical items and talks, and the baptisms were heaps of fun!! :) Just one of those days on the mission that makes it all ALL worth it!!!! And it didn't end there!! That whole sacrament meeting on Sunday was basically us doing confirmations! lol and than there was one speaker and guess who it was?... Me!! haha The confirmations were very special as well! The spirit was there in full! And just like at the baptism the converts were emotional once again! It's beautiful to see others be "born again" there's nothing like it!! :) So my talk that i was assigned on wed or thurs was the divine nature and mission of Jesus Christ!! So into the deeps i went! haha :) It was very fun preparing for the talk! pumped me up to serve even better that's for sure!! Strengthened my testimony and inspired me to be better... As our Savior does!!! So it was a bit more lengthy of a talk! i haven't talked for a bit so it was a good experience!! I enjoyed it very much!! Pretty nervous about a homecoming talk though! lol feel like that's where everyone sees the final result of the whole 2 years!!! haha ahhhhh!!! :) Before my mission I remember the two things I was most nervous about was those, the farewell and homecoming!!! haha Though a mission is a whole lot more intense than any of that!! So Sunday was a very rewarding day and in classes Elder Afa and i had to split up and teach different classes so we were just goin hard out all sunday!!! After church we had a massive feed with our beautiful new families in the gospel and some members from the ward at Tania's house! Cook island feed all the way it was awesome!! :) Than last night sunday night we had a missionary fireside in Manurewa, my greenie area, where we went with all of them and Ally, lillie, and D! It was really good and they enjoyed it very much! So just a super fun weekend!!!! One of the best ever and one that i will never forget!!!! :) I love the mission so much and I'm so grateful to be serving my Master and my King... I love you all and wish the best!!!! May the Lord bless you abundantly in my prayer!!! OFA LAHI ATU!!!!!!! :) ps I'm sendin more! To be continued...

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