Sunday, May 20, 2012

May 20, 2012

Well hello hello everybody!!! :) It's me once again! Hope ya'll had a super awesome week this last week! I love you all and pray for you unceasingly!! Sounds like everything's going just wonderful back home and I hope it continues to do so!! Let's get into it aye?! So this last week was another super fun week!! Oh my goodness I love South Aucks more than anything!!! This is up there on one of my favorite areas in the mission that's for sure!! The blessings have been many as of late and they seem to keep coming! It's amazing how he is laboring alongside us.. For I know that these miracles are brought to pass by him and definantely nothing of ourselves!!! :) Well to begin from monday! So Last monday was scrumtrulescent! haha jokes it was great!! The mother's day phone call definantely a highlight as always! Than after that we did our usual monday business! Emailed, shopped, ate, etc etc! Than we went and played some ball again! But from there we ventured to what they call Mangere Mountain.. Which is nowhere even close to a mountain! It be but a little hill!! But it still was fun, something different I guess! It was doing the good ol New Zealand rain and was pouring! So it was pretty fun and made it quite epic I suppose!! So it was a really fun prep day!! :) That night we had some lessons with our sets and also family home evening with the Tutai's as usual! Super fun!! I love our investigators right now SOO much!!! They're all so amazing!! :) It's been such an incredible blessing being able to serve them!! On Tuesday we had our zone conference with some of the other city zones at one of our chapels. And that morning didn't start out to great! Some sort of miscommunication happened and our zone came like an hour late!! lol So before the conference there was to be a zone meeting just with the zone prior. But on accident we got the wrong time in a text from the assistants and so our zone came super late!! It was hilarious cause Elder Afa and I were there early helping set up the chapel and we're with the assistants than all of the sudden heaps of missionaries start coming in and I say to them wow they're all coming very early! And they're like what do you mean it starts in 10 minutes!! I was like oh for heaven's sake!!!! :( So we rounded up our troops and got em all there so we were at least able to give a quick training before! Lucky Elder Hamula wasn't there yet! We were blessed to have him come once again, he's a member of the seventy and is incredible!! But I was terrified that he'd be there early and that he would sit in on the different zones. Luckily that wasn't the case!! Or else I woulda been chastised and rebuked hard out!! lol But anywho so that all worked out and the conference was fantastic!! :) Very very good!! I enjoyed it very much!!! It's always fun being around all the missionaries as always! But I hardly know anyone anymore I swear! All my mates are gone... I'm getting old that's for sure!! :) That evening was fun! Just more lessons with our sets! They're an everyday thing now! We've drawn really close to all of them! They're all so amazing I love it so much!! So it was yet another good night! And of course the members fed us KFC! So Elder Afa was pumped!! The islanders love KFC more than their own children i swear! well... Maybe not to that extreme! Especially with their close family ties! haha but it's ridiculous how much they love KFC!!! Let's see oh!! We had more MTC tradeoffs again! Fun as always!! We got our mate back that before he left on his mission he came out with us a couple of times! This kid from the cook islands he is SO funny!!! So it was fun having him come out with us again for one last time before he hit the field:) He's the man!! Also that night one of the missionaries that was finishing Elder Asaasa came and stayed with us and we took him to the airport! That's always such a weird duty that we have to do!! The airport's in our zone so we're always doing stuff like that with missionaries coming and going! So it was all good!! Also our little army of perspective elders still love coming out with us so it's been super fun!! :) Henry came out with us heaps this last week! I love him so much he's the man!! It was also our convert Ally's bday! so we went and wished her a Happy Birthday! This friday we did some comp study with the sisters did our usual weekly planning all that jazz! And than we got a call from the mission office.. There's a nonmember lady whose family is all members but she's not. And she has breast cancer and it's very severe and she may be passing away soon.. And she requested missionaries to come visit her!! So guess who they called?! haha us!! Cause that's in our zone as well!! Since we were already with the Sisters, Sister Perry and Taotua, they can sing way good so we figured they could come along and help us out!! That was quite the experience and miracle... It was very sad but we were grateful that we were able to go share a message of Christ and the Plan of Salvation.. She's such an incredible lady!! Her hope and optism was inspiring.. Though she's gone through all these trials and things weren't looking in her favor she was so hopeful and positive it was amazing.. And all of it was from her foundation of faith in our Savior.. It was a special experience!! We have had to do certain things like that a lot at the hospital here! Those moments have been intense and they stretch my faith that's for sure!! :) But we're grateful that we were able to go and help! On Saturday there were a few baptisms! One was a tongan lady that was 97 years old! That was amazing!! :) We got most of our sets to a few of the baptisms and they loved it!!! They're just pumped for their Bappys!! Really good baptisms this last weekend! Some members of convert families that through the new convert have gotten baptized! Also one huge miracle baptism!! A girl that has been taught at her fellowships house for ages was getting baptized and turns out she lives in our zone so two days before the baptism we get the refferral and the elders in that area baptize her on Saturday!! :) Such a miracle! And those elders have been qualifying so it was a wonderful blessing!! Sunday was yet another awesome day!! We had New Zealand's General Stake Conference!! It was very very good! Elder Bednar spoke and it was amazing!! :) After that we did some baptismal interviews for our sets and than had lunch at the Laban families house! Than after that had a lesson with our sets at the Tutai family home! And yadayadayad! Just busy busy busy saving souls and loving it to!!! :) I love this work!!!! So things are going amazzing here and we have our baptisms this next saturday! One in the morning for Emi!! :) She is hilarious oh my goodness!!! Than in the evening we have for sure Tania and her two daughters, Rebeccah and Mata! Also Nancy's daughter Alex and Martha's son Devante! Hopefully Martha as well! If a miracle occurs!! She has many concerns but it definantely is possible!!! :) So we're praying for that hard out!! So this week will be super crazy and hopefully all these souls get saved!!!! :):):) Well love ya'll heaps and hope yo0u have a wonderful week!!! God Bless!!!!!! :) Love Elder Devey

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