Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday April 8, 2012


Hey there everybody!!! :) How is everyone doing?! I hope amazing as always!! I miss you all heaps!!! It's been far too long!! haha But oh how I love you all very very much!! Thanks once again for your support, love, and prayers in my behalf!! It is very much so needed!

So this week was another great week! goodness how they fly by! Last pday was really fun! Played basketball with heaps of members it was way fun! It's been along time since I've played ball so I was a bit rusty! All goods though! That night was really good as well we had some really good lessons. On tuesday we raced around to all of the District Meetings doing the usual! Trainings are actually pretty fun now! I used to hate speaking in front of people but it's pretty fun now, I'm still no good at it though! That day we also got to go and pick up Elder Dyumthi from the airport again for our Zone Leader Council on Wednesday. it's always fun having him here with us! He's the man he's hilarious! We had a really fun night that night with a district blitz:) All the missionaries paired up with missionaries they haven't worked with before and we all went nuts for the evening! Even Sister Lekias came and a senior missionary Sister Percell:) It was way fun they had a good time! It was funny to see them out and working with us it was awesome!! So that was a fun night!! Than we had to wake up early to take off to North Shore for our council again. Had to wake up extra early because we all didn't finish all the things in time so we needed to go print things off so we were up way early it was rough! This week 3 times we had to wake up at around 5!! :( So that sure took it's toll!

Zone Leader council was really fun:) Learned some awesome things and had a great time as always! Fun to be around all those other missionaries they're all pretty awesome! The next morning was one of the mornings we woke up super early again! And it's along story of why but we had to help our investigators Ally and Lilley with something. They're so solid now by the way!! Oh my!! Ally's boyfriend is moving out today and they're wedding date is on the 17th of next month so hopefully I get to stick around to see that! They've been such a miracle since the beginning! They're all good on the Word of Wisdom as well, they have thrown everything away!! They've also talked to their families who did reject them and persecute them for their decisions being strong in the Catholic faith so that was hard for them but baptism is all that matters for them now after that miracle we witnessed that morning. President Lekias even came and that was awesome as well! :) They've overcome HUGE obstacles in the last few days and are now just incredible... It's humbling when your investigators have a stronger testimony than you!! They''re so awesome!! So their baptism is this weekend at 7:) Can't wait!! They can't either!! haha it's been amazing to see the physical and spiritual change that has occured as they've applied the atonement in their life... They've been so much fun to teach and it's been absolutely amazing being able to be a part of it!! So things are going awesome with them now! Just got to make sure that D has for sure moved out tonight! lol But besides that they are very solid!!! :) That day we also had MTC tradeoffs again!! Which is always way fun!! It's good to be around brand new missionaries full of faith and desire! So that was fun!!! Our little portugese family is doing great as well! So things are going all good with these investigators of ours and I just love them all so much!!! It's amazing how much you start to care and love these people! It's been amazing!

On Saturday we had to help with an emergency transfer! :( That was sad because the missionary in our zone is the man!! So it wasn't our missionaries but missionaries elsewhere. That was tough because I really liked the missionary in our zone he was the man!! That night we finally got to watch one session of General Conference!! Our ward had temple week this whole week so they were all in Hamilton. So they put all of conference on Sunday basically! We had priesthood session which was at 6 in the morning! :( and conference from then until 5!! haha it was AWESOME!!!! :) I love conference so so much!!! Our portugese family and Ally, Lilly, and D and all of them came to a few so that was really good!! They really enjoyed it! :) I loved conference wow it was incredible!!!

Than last night we had a feed with some Tongans and they just destroyed me!!! Attention is always on the Palangi and they love to feed the missionaries especially white boys!! So I at more than I have ever have before it was insane!! Still feeling the effects!! But that's an everyday thing here in the Pacific!! Just eating to your limits it is fun!! :) haha I'm tellin ya I have gained quite a bit and it's really sad!!! So don't make fun of me when I get back!! Instead of losing the weight right before I come home I think I need to make the most of the island food as possible so I'm gonna go hard to the end!! :) Sorry momma!

This last week was a good one!!! :) Probably the biggest miracle I have ever witnessed in my life happened with Ally and them that morning but it's something I don't want to share because I hold it sacred:) But it was incredible... I know this work is true and that the Priesthood is real! This is his church and there is no doubt about that! I love serving him and my brothers and sisters and I love you all very much!!!!! :) Hope you have a wonderful week!!
God Bless!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!! :)

Love Elder Devey

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